Thursday, December 27, 2007

Don't Give Up Or Give In!

Greetings to you from Harare, Zimbabwe!

As you might have already seen, it’s been a few months since my last posting on my Blog site! I set a goal to begin share my life path and lessons with others through this blog tool, I did two posts and I got out of routine. Well, a great man once said "it is easy to obtain, hard to maintain.” It's always easier to set goals, but it takes perseverance to keep pursuing what you set out for in the first place. Well, I am back to blogging because I am determined to achieve my goal to record and share my life lessons with others! One of my favorite verses is "Prov 24:16 for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again. I am deciding to give this another go!

And you? What have stopped doing that you had set yourself to do? Perhaps now is the time to pick yourself up and try again, don't quit! I learnt early in life that I must remain true to my vision or goal, yet remain flexible on the approach. Consider shifting your approach to your goal if it’s not working, but don't stop trying! It's never too late to be who you might become. 

Well, a lot has happened that I look forward to sharing with you. I will appreciate all your comments and insights! That's it from me for now. As you enter this brand new year, remember to pursue your goals relentlessly! Don't Give Up Or Give In!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Take Action: Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

A week ago I wrote about how I took action on a goal that I have had for a while, to share my life lessons through recording them and posting them, hence the inception of this blog site! Well, I have continued to take action on other goals of mine that I will share about today.

This weekend, I did something for the first time in a very long time. I got an opportunity to act in a short production for a young adult’s ministry that I am part of. I play the main character of a guy who is trying to settle in a relationship with another young lady and he keeps getting distracted by his former relationships. Some of the scenes where really cozy and they tool me out my comfort zone! There is hardly any growth if you stick to your comfort zone. What areas are you still in your comfort zone, what area do you need to step out of your comfort zone to go to the next level in your life?

Perhaps you need resolve a dispute, or may be confront a situation; or you need to step out and act on your idea, or your goal. Whatever it is that you need to step out of your comfort zone, take the action and realize your reward for your action!

Take action on that idea, you have a better chance of experiencing a great reward that way! Remember, faith without action is dead! Keep well.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Take Some Action

Imagine a life lived without any recording! All the experiences and life lessons will be locked in you and will never benefit anyone but you. Well, I've decided to record my life for a long time and today I have taken action towards that decision.

"How I am Becoming" is the theme title for my blog, I believe that the stories in these blogs will be the history of how I became on the outside, who I am today on the inside. I will discuss my life steps and experiences and draw out principles that we can discuss together with your contributions, agreements, disagreements and questions.

This will be a platform of sharpening each other and growing in excellence. Well, I have taken action towards my goal to record and share my life experience of how I became. What action do you need to take towards realizing one of your goals?

I look forward to hearing from you!