Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Purpose of Faith ...

Recently I received a few mails around the subject of faith and trust in God…I’d like to share them as well as some of my thoughts from the scripture.

What do you do when your faith fails you? When you feel like you have put all your hope in God, but yet he doesn’t come through for you and you feel like has forsaken you? What do you do?

You don’t want to attempt a life without God because the thought alone is repulsive but at the same time you don’t want to trust so much again, with hopes and dreams and goals...what do you do?”

“It then scares me because I have a dream and a vision I want to fulfill in my and I get scared because on my own I can’t achieve it...In a moment where I feel like God has left me, I start to wonder if he will leave me again, and in doing so at times I’m reluctant to go for the impossible....if you get what I mean?

I’m also quite skeptical on the 'hearing from God front' coz there are times where I think I am, but situations tell me otherwise...How does one hear from God?”

It is at this point that you must fight to remain in the spirit, because if you don't you become double minded on a matter. This means believing God when the situations are right, and doubting when the situation is contrary. The enemy wants you in this state because you are not spiritually productive in this instance.

Look at James 1:6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

To avoid getting into a double minded state, you must focus on His word, His promise on your life, despite the contrary situations. Walking with faith filled people is vital as they will fan into flame God's word in you. Walking with doubters will fuel a double minded state, which leads to no results.

I trust that this improves your perspective in this season. He will make a way where there seems to be no way! 

Remain in His Grip!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do it Again!

Trying again means hurting again, risking again, believing again, hoping again. I encourage you to to DO IT AGAIN. Trust in Him again!
Sometimes being in the will of God means being out of the grace of people, and those who where close stand down on you. You can only beging to see God's faithfulness when you begin to understand the frailty of man, so don't despise the times when those you thought were close where no longer there. It's necessary to go through this at some point in this walk.
If you've had to question your faith because of this desert season, it's time to try again! Start working on your stratedgy. Keep me informed. 
All the best!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Your Faith Is Working For You

Nothing about our faith makes us pain-proof. It does hurt, it does make us cry. And we must dry our eyes and continue with the work until our time is done.

May God teach you to remain true to Him and to the call on your life as you persist in this season.

He who promised is faithful and able to do what He said he will do. Your faith is working for you.

All the best, Tuscanie.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Decision Time!

Colossians 3:15 (Amplified Bible) And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

One factor that has helped me in making major decisions in my life is the peace of God in and through a decision. His peace confirms His leading in a given situation. Some decisions require information as they are very simple, for example what to wear depends on the info you have concerning the weather that day, next year’s provision for bad debts depends to an extent on the bad debts figure for this year, or the provision for depreciation depends on the current value and method of depreciation being used etc. (For Accountants)

The challenge comes when you need to decide on matters without sufficient information. For example, we do not have info (at least the critical info) about what will happen to a potential spouse in the future. They could look ideal today, and later things change, or they could look suspect today, and things change for the better in the future. Decisions like this require not only information, but REVELATION from God. The peace of God confirms such revelation about a decision. When considering a new employee for a job, sometime we do not pick up the good CV, because we are not settled in our hearts, then we discover that the good CV had major character flaws later!

The verse above explains this concept, that the peace is harmony in the soul, that comes from Christ. An umpire is one who calls the ball in or out in a game of tennis, or cricket. They make all the calls. And this umpire settles ALL questions, including yours, that arise in your mind, in the PEACEFUL state. Over the years this has been a fundamental factor in every major decision I’ve made. I give it to you to consider this as you make your decision, for it is decision time for you! God desires the best for you, and he has given you his peace as an umpire for your major decisions.

I believe verse 16 enhances your ability to be sensitive to God’s direction:

Colossians 3:16 Let the word [spoken by] Christ (the Messiah) have its home [in your hearts and minds] and dwell in you in [all its] richness, as you teach and admonish and train one another in all insight and intelligence and wisdom [in spiritual things, and as you sing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making melody to God with [His] grace in your hearts. (Amplified Bible)

Enjoy the Season...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Choose Life over mere Existence

Given the opportunity to speak to a large audience of young adults from all sorts of career backgrounds during a weekly meeting, one of our team members on our leadership team declined the opportunity on grounds of “unpreparedness”, though I felt like it was more of "butterflies". As a leader, this was one of those fine moments when you need to discern whether someone is not ready or whether they are nervous and they require a push in order to graduate into their next level. I chose the latter! Using my judgment on the situation I insisted that they carry on and speak to the congregation despite what their reasons. To my surprise they still declined and offered to leave the meeting immediately, which they did!

I went up to prep another one of our speakers and to my great delight I saw my team member walk back into the room and I invited them to speak instantly. They shared an incredible life story that inspired many who were in the room that afternoon, bringing hope to others in the room that they too can share their life story to encourage others!

While this was happening I began to ask myself some questions that I can perhaps extend to you today. (Remember the quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you Ask and those you can answer) What opportunities for growth have you allowed to pass you by because you felt that you were “not ready”? How many people are still uninspired today, without a leader, unemployed or even unsaved today because you have not yet stepped out and into your rightful place? Perhaps what you call “not ready” is FEAR. Fear of the risks involved in stepping out, fear of possible failure along the way, fear of confrontation or being wrong, fear of disapproval or unacceptance, fear of the discomfort of stepping out, or even fear of the cost! 

Your breakthrough is in your place of discomfort! Conquering only takes place away from home, away from your familiar environment. This pattern is seen through significant bible characters who God told to “GO” away from their familiar/home environment in order to fulfill their divine assignment. Abraham was told to leave his home and family, Paul met His Master enroute to a foreign land and Jesus did his ministry away from his home town Nazareth. Today you need to review areas that you are avoiding due to the discomfort involved. Perhaps that’s where you breakthrough is. 

When I was young I would go up Guava trees to get the fruit! Amongst my friends, only those that went closest to the end of the branches where it was unstable and where you felt like you were about to fall got the fruit! There was no fruit on the trunk where it was solid and strong. Instead, the fruit is at the end of the branches. Stop existing and start living: Go get your fruit! 

With God All Things Are Possible, You can do All Things!

(For extra reading you can visit,  on Chuck Yeager, an American Pilot who was the first to cross the sound barrier in 1947, and paved the way for many others)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Destiny Expects You To Respond In Faith

Talking to more of my friends and companions around the world I see them going through seasons of testing. In these seasons of testing, when one feels like letting go, or falling over the edge, whether it is worth it to hang on to dear life, I see life demanding a decision. In all of your going through, Destiny Expects You To Respond in Faith! You will see the glory of God in your situation.

Many are tempted to let go of God’s word, but I want you to hear this, and hear this well…quickly snap out of the disillusionment in your walk with the Lord. You are on God’s heart … and you have your past to see that. If you can SEE God in your past, you can see Him in your future. The Message of The Kingdom - 1 Thess 5:16-18 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks (not for everything, but IN everything); for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

So find your bible, the Word of God … it is your weapon this year in this season. You are not a church generation that becomes weak soon after leaving the walls of the church; you are a faith generation that can withstand the wiles of the enemy. You are not a bible carrier, you are a Word carrier.

I pray for you now, for understanding of the truth that you know, so that you may begin to walk in it. I pray that the Truth you know will become a present working knowledge. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Covenant blessings are not meant to be looked at only, but to be appropriated. Even our Lord Jesus is given to us for our present use. Believer, thou dost not make use of Christ as thou oughtest to do. When thou art in trouble, why dost thou not tell Him all thy grief? Has He not a sympathizing heart, and can He not comfort and relieve thee? No, thou art going about to all thy friends, save thy best Friend, and telling thy tale everywhere except into the bosom of thy Lord.”

Ps 125:1 Those who trust in the LORD Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever. Remember, in this time of testing, Destiny expects you to respond in faith!

Remain In His Grip. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Be Encouraged!

I trust that our never failing God continues to carry you. Our faith is based, not primarily on the things that God did for us in the past, for he was still faithful before then; but it is based on the unfailing character and nature of our God – which can not lie. The nature of His word is such that it is immutable, His counsel in unchangeable and His thoughts and purposes are established for all eternity. 

This concept is summed up in Number 23 where the bible tells us that “He is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He changes His mind”. It is upon this fact that our confidence lies. He has spoken over your life, and He desires for you to walk in that happiness. Everything that has taken place that was contrary to His will happened, not because you wanted it to, but it was A DIRECT ATTACK ON YOUR DIVINE IDENTITY.  The time has come for you to get back and live in your rightful spiritual identity: the person that God had in mind before you were formed in your mother’s womb. 

I am far to know what counsel you fall under right now, nut one thing I know that is depicted through the word of God, “the destiny of Kings lies in the hands of their counsel”. In this season, may God grant you wisdom and discernment to distinguish between His voice and the voice of the enemy. You are designed to commune with your Maker through His Word, by His Spirit as well as through His servant. May He assist you to identify and obey His still small voice, or may be it’s not still…lol! 

As He orders you steps, He requires you to chose to follow Him as God TAKES GREAT DELIGHT AND PLEASURE IN FREE PURSUIT OF HIM. He is near you in the midst of unclear times, he is there with you…listen to Him and obey… Remain in His Grip!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Greetings to you all...! This is my first blog this year, it's been an active start in the first 2 months of the year so hence the seeming silence. But the main reason I haven't written is because I have been spending time reflecting on 2008 and have been looking forward to sharing some insights with you.

I have been asking myself, and God, what are the top lessons I learned and am still learning(smile) from 2008. As I have been reflecting on the things that worked well and the things that on the surface seemed to be failures I have had a lot of fun looking at them from different perspectives and seeing how I am going to
use the lessons learned in 2009.

Reflection adds wisdom to your experiences, take time to reflect daily on your experiences, so you can produce a better outcome tommorow. Reflect on your previous year so you can produce a better current year! I look forward to sharing with youthe journey this year!


Enlarge Your Thoughts

You have heard it being said that you are today what you thought yesterday. You are the sum total of your thoughts and the subsequent decisions from your past. The truth is your future does not have to be like your past. If there is a part of your life you intend to improve, finances, relationships, emotions, career etc, then you need to think new thoughts to get new results.

In this season, I’ve been busy doing a brainwash, clearing my brain of old thought patterns that have kept me from success and fulfillment for many years. God’s thoughts concerning you are bigger than your current situation. His thoughts concerning you are as countless as the sand grains on the sea shore, and they are for good and not disaster. In order to triumph over patterns of behavior that have limited your effectiveness in your situation, you need to enlarge your mind to His thoughts, to His truth!

Pr 27.7 says “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”. This means that you are not who you think you are, instead, you are what you think! Hard reality isn’t it? His thoughts concerning us are bigger than our current situation in our different economies, industries, families and all sorts of situations. Ours is to focus on His thoughts, let this mind that was in Christ be in you also!

Sometimes though it seems like our circumstances are contrary to what we believe God has as promised us. In Jer 32.15 God told Jeremiah that lands, properties, vineyards and houses shall be possessed in that land. What we don't know sometimes is that Jeremiah was in prison when this instruction came! All around him was evidence that was contrary to what The Lord was saying. What did he say? In verse 17 he said Jer 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. NIV Jeremiah reminded his situation of who God was and what He has done!

Enlarge your thoughts to His truth through His word. Fill your mind with His truth, for it has overcome the world and the evidence around you. I look forward to your Comments on this entry!