Thursday, September 22, 2011

A New Season

I am now on the other side of what was an amazing process, and ultimately a great day! This is the day that I married the love of my life, the wife of my youth. In the next few weeks I will write about who I've become in the process of taking on what I call the ministry of marriage. I trust you are good, and that you are running your race, or singing your song! See you soon! Bless you. Tus

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Refuse to Fear - Back

As a blogger, I have always been careful not to blog my opinions, but instead, to blog out of my convictions. Sharing the journey of how I am becoming is a decision I made after realizing that there are too few stories being shared about victorious living.

In the last year and a half, however, my blogging has been sporadic to say the least. There comes a time in your life when there is so much shaking that it changes your perception on a lot of things. My convictions have been tried, my beliefs have been challenged, and I am back to blog about the convictions that I hold today as I continue on my journey of becoming all that He has created me for. Some define success as the ability to maintain enthusiasm when you go from failure to failure.

Journey with me. In case you are where I have walked through in the seasons past: Refuse to Fear! We serve a God who is not taken by surprise. Today He waits on you to walk on with Him, for there is much to accomplish. Your story is not over, it's just been initiated!

I look forward to your comments as we journey together. Many thanks to all those who have gently budged and encouraged me to share again on these pages. This one is dedicated to you all! (Encouragement does make a difference!)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Did You Hear?

By now you are aware that between the time you get your life vision, dream or purpose, and the time that it comes to pass there is a process that many people do not get through. You are ready this today because God expects you to overcome and arrive at your destination! In the next few weeks I will discuss a few thoughts you should consider in order to arrive successfully!

What did you hear?

When you are believing God for a promise, any thing from an opportunity of a lifestyle or any particular breakthrough, there comes a time when things around you appear contrary to what you are expecting. It is important to recollect that which you heard from God during at this time. What did God say to you during that worship session, or that alone time with God in your room, or even while you were on a camp somewhere? What did you hear him say?

There is a huge temptation to compromise or downsize what you heard. Thank God you are reading this because you will not draw back. That’s your word for today. Today I want you to think about what you heard, write it down if you have to, the way you heard. It does not matter how contrary things appear right now.

In a few days I will carry on to the next key, but keep this promise in mind until then:

Ps 89. 33. I not break off from him, nor allow My faithfulness to fail [to lie and be false to him]. 34My covenant will I not break or profane, nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips.

That which He promised, He will uphold. Hang in there; see you in a few days!

Monday, March 14, 2011

वहत दीद यू हेअर?

Coming Soon! - "What did you hear?"

After almost a year of not writing on this particular blog post, I am back to share insights of my experience with my Master! I look forward to it, and also to hear your comments and shared experiences. Remember, when we obey Him, we become an expression of Him to everyone we interact with. In that way, we all experience God through our interaction together!

You can look forward to "What did you hear?" post this week. Great to be back! Another new chapter!