As a blogger, I have always been careful not to blog my opinions, but instead, to blog out of my convictions. Sharing the journey of how I am becoming is a decision I made after realizing that there are too few stories being shared about victorious living.
In the last year and a half, however, my blogging has been sporadic to say the least. There comes a time in your life when there is so much shaking that it changes your perception on a lot of things. My convictions have been tried, my beliefs have been challenged, and I am back to blog about the convictions that I hold today as I continue on my journey of becoming all that He has created me for. Some define success as the ability to maintain enthusiasm when you go from failure to failure.
Journey with me. In case you are where I have walked through in the seasons past: Refuse to Fear! We serve a God who is not taken by surprise. Today He waits on you to walk on with Him, for there is much to accomplish. Your story is not over, it's just been initiated!
I look forward to your comments as we journey together. Many thanks to all those who have gently budged and encouraged me to share again on these pages. This one is dedicated to you all! (Encouragement does make a difference!)