A few minutes ago I was ministering to university students at our biggest campus in the country, and while I was at it, God arrested my spirit concerning the things I was sharing! Immediately I knew I had to document this encounter and this experience with God. And share with you!
Isa 60:1-2 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. In this season I believe God wants every area of our lives to arise. Every dead thing in our life, our love for him, our devotion to Him, our hunger for righteousness, our fruit, He wants it to arise to a place which can be seen to reveal His glory in us. He wants you to shine, and nothing shines in secret! Your obedience in the secret place will result in elevation in the public eye, and God will shine His glory through you. This is no time not to shine, in and through Him.
The part that I got arrested is “For your light has come”. This light is not the physical light. It is the illumination of the word of God in our hearts and in our lives. We know that the entrance of His word brings light, so it is the revealed word of God that will cause us to arise and to shine in His glory. For God’s word to be shine in and through us, we must have an unusual devotion to it. God’s word is his thoughts, and his strategy for us to arise and shine in the areas that He has called us in.
Outside of the guarantees and the promise and the revelation of His word in our hearts we will not stand the test when it comes. When the rain, the floods and the winds of life come your way, in different forms, it is the foundation of the revealed word of God in your hear that will make you stand. I’ve had a fair share of these, and it is the word of God that has sustained me.
Ps 33:11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations. If you want your God given vision to stand, then you must stand on the counsel of God, because it stands forever. What are you standing on?
I’ll close with the words of a song sung by Brooke Frazer, “None But Jesus”: “Now I live to bring Him praise…I am yours and you are mine…All delight is in you Lord, all of my hope, all of my strength, forevermore.”
Bless you, and I await your feedback.
In His Grip,
That's one of the most revolutionaty questions 'what are you standing on'. it's a question that allows one to truly determine the foundations on which we base our beliefs & inevitably our Faith. and so when trouble comes over me like a flood, That light thats within me synonymous with the word of God allows me to stand firm, overwhelmed but not broken or shaken beyond capacity... Thank you sir..I'm growing
ReplyDeletethis addresses one of the most significant and universal questions a person can ever ask himself. "Who am I?" mm, reading more reading more
ReplyDeleteUmmm Tus.I'm lost for words.God bless you.None but JESUS,none but Jesus...In him we live,move and have our being.Psalm 89:15-17,"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence,O Lord.They rejoice in your name all day long;they exult in your righteousness.For you are their glory and strength,and by you FAVOUR you exalt our horn."NIV.You are blessed because you have learned to acclaim GOD.That song also says,"When you call i won't refuse,when you call i won't delay!"I believe when we say yes to God and seek to do His will he will make our vision stand.He'll grant us more than we even asked for to begin with because we desire to please Him.(King Solomon)Thanks this blog is a real inspiration!
ReplyDeleteshika!!! thank you for the revelation...my light has come and its for me to take it! receive it! oh my Jesus! When the word gets in me it would cause all things in me to have light hence its from the inside and because of that my outer actions become full of light...that you sir!