Today I write as a young entrepreneur in Harare, Zimbabwe who is pursuing a global reach & impact from the fastest falling economy ever in world history. An inflation that’s untold, a banking systems that’s collapsed, a currency that is ineffective, a health system that’s seized to serve its original purpose, a legal system that does not compliment good governance, and more indescribable circumstances!
Pursuing your dream in a country like mine is definitely a major faith project, perhaps the biggest you’ll ever face given the surface circumstances I’ve described above. When the reality on the ground is different from what the Lord promised through His written and spoken word. When the perpetual situation seems to be deteriorating by the days, when everything that you've ever know is tested beyond your current ability. Are you going to stick to what God said for your breakthrough to come, or will you throw in the towel and settle for what you know is mere existence. Will you quit being the world changer you were called to be, settling for making a living, as opposed to giving a living to those within your influence and your reach…?
As I’ve marched on a step at a time, developing a market for our services, it’s important for me to learn and embrace this truth: You have to be willing to miss it to make it! It could be a business venture, or a career path, or studying at that university you’ve always dreamt of, or pursuing a relation, or better still starting that project to feed those kids, reconciling a family or social relation…it’s all the same. There will always be a risk of missing it in your pursuit. If you will wait for the risk to disappear, then you might never step out.
You miss 100% of the shots you do not take so do something! As the year draws to a close, take time to reflect on your experiences. Reflection is what adds wisdom to experiences. See what you can do better, and perhaps it’s time for you to be flexible on your approach, yet remaining TRUE to your vision and purpose! I’m preparing our mega strategy for our business, I feel like this year was warm up for us, and now we enter into the ring of success!
Your success is to be measured, not so much by the position you haves reached in life, as much as by the obstacles you overcame while trying to succeed. Keep running, keep watching, and keep trying!
Your name is written in the book of success. May God Teach you to remain true, especially when it is difficult.
See you soon.
Indeed, there were thousands of light bulbs that didnt work before the one that works was invented so the issue on actually trying. We need to move from having an idea to trying it out-faith in action!