Thursday, December 27, 2007

Don't Give Up Or Give In!

Greetings to you from Harare, Zimbabwe!

As you might have already seen, it’s been a few months since my last posting on my Blog site! I set a goal to begin share my life path and lessons with others through this blog tool, I did two posts and I got out of routine. Well, a great man once said "it is easy to obtain, hard to maintain.” It's always easier to set goals, but it takes perseverance to keep pursuing what you set out for in the first place. Well, I am back to blogging because I am determined to achieve my goal to record and share my life lessons with others! One of my favorite verses is "Prov 24:16 for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again. I am deciding to give this another go!

And you? What have stopped doing that you had set yourself to do? Perhaps now is the time to pick yourself up and try again, don't quit! I learnt early in life that I must remain true to my vision or goal, yet remain flexible on the approach. Consider shifting your approach to your goal if it’s not working, but don't stop trying! It's never too late to be who you might become. 

Well, a lot has happened that I look forward to sharing with you. I will appreciate all your comments and insights! That's it from me for now. As you enter this brand new year, remember to pursue your goals relentlessly! Don't Give Up Or Give In!