Monday, March 2, 2009


Greetings to you all...! This is my first blog this year, it's been an active start in the first 2 months of the year so hence the seeming silence. But the main reason I haven't written is because I have been spending time reflecting on 2008 and have been looking forward to sharing some insights with you.

I have been asking myself, and God, what are the top lessons I learned and am still learning(smile) from 2008. As I have been reflecting on the things that worked well and the things that on the surface seemed to be failures I have had a lot of fun looking at them from different perspectives and seeing how I am going to
use the lessons learned in 2009.

Reflection adds wisdom to your experiences, take time to reflect daily on your experiences, so you can produce a better outcome tommorow. Reflect on your previous year so you can produce a better current year! I look forward to sharing with youthe journey this year!


Enlarge Your Thoughts

You have heard it being said that you are today what you thought yesterday. You are the sum total of your thoughts and the subsequent decisions from your past. The truth is your future does not have to be like your past. If there is a part of your life you intend to improve, finances, relationships, emotions, career etc, then you need to think new thoughts to get new results.

In this season, I’ve been busy doing a brainwash, clearing my brain of old thought patterns that have kept me from success and fulfillment for many years. God’s thoughts concerning you are bigger than your current situation. His thoughts concerning you are as countless as the sand grains on the sea shore, and they are for good and not disaster. In order to triumph over patterns of behavior that have limited your effectiveness in your situation, you need to enlarge your mind to His thoughts, to His truth!

Pr 27.7 says “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”. This means that you are not who you think you are, instead, you are what you think! Hard reality isn’t it? His thoughts concerning us are bigger than our current situation in our different economies, industries, families and all sorts of situations. Ours is to focus on His thoughts, let this mind that was in Christ be in you also!

Sometimes though it seems like our circumstances are contrary to what we believe God has as promised us. In Jer 32.15 God told Jeremiah that lands, properties, vineyards and houses shall be possessed in that land. What we don't know sometimes is that Jeremiah was in prison when this instruction came! All around him was evidence that was contrary to what The Lord was saying. What did he say? In verse 17 he said Jer 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. NIV Jeremiah reminded his situation of who God was and what He has done!

Enlarge your thoughts to His truth through His word. Fill your mind with His truth, for it has overcome the world and the evidence around you. I look forward to your Comments on this entry!