Monday, March 2, 2009


Greetings to you all...! This is my first blog this year, it's been an active start in the first 2 months of the year so hence the seeming silence. But the main reason I haven't written is because I have been spending time reflecting on 2008 and have been looking forward to sharing some insights with you.

I have been asking myself, and God, what are the top lessons I learned and am still learning(smile) from 2008. As I have been reflecting on the things that worked well and the things that on the surface seemed to be failures I have had a lot of fun looking at them from different perspectives and seeing how I am going to
use the lessons learned in 2009.

Reflection adds wisdom to your experiences, take time to reflect daily on your experiences, so you can produce a better outcome tommorow. Reflect on your previous year so you can produce a better current year! I look forward to sharing with youthe journey this year!



  1. Hey Tus

    You are so right in saying that reflection adds wisdom to you experiences.

    A lot of us don't want to reflect because we feel as though we will be focusing on negative aspects of our lives, yet in its simplest form, reflecting is just thinking about what happened. It doesn’t mean looking for blame or looking for regrets. It is most valuable when it is an observation of events and their results. Reflecting helps answer questions such as:

    1. What happened?
    2. How you feel about it?
    3. Why things happened the way they did?
    4. What contributed to the results?
    5. What will I now do differently in the future?

    The questions will help us look at the events and results from a variety of angles, but lead us to the most important question, “Knowing what I now know, what will I do differently?” which is the added wisdom you mentioned.

    Thanks Tus.


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